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>> Chart of the Week
>> Dies Domini
>> History of the Sabbath
>> Naval Observatory Statement on Changes in Weekly Cycle
>> The Great Controversy
>> The Truth About The Sabbath
>> Truth Triumphant
>> What I Saw In Rome
The Truth About The Sabbath
Once a week most Christians go to church. Some go to the early services, and others sleep in and like to catch the 11 a.m. service. And the chances are, if you're like most Christians, you go to church on Sundays, the day referred to as "the first day of the week" in the Bible.

In this book we shall explain exactly how and why this has become the commonplace practice among the Christian world. When asked, most Christians are not aware of the exact history of the development of Sunday worship - some even think the Bible commands it - but the truth of the origin of Sunday worship goes far beyond this, and it is time for all Christians to be aware of it!

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